Kiran Dande
Mahatma Basweshwar Mahavidyalaya, India
Title: Technological advances in Indian traditional dairy products: A review
Biography: Kiran Dande
India is the world’s largest milk producing country. Indian milk and the traditional milk products have been estimated to be worth INR 7000 Billion in 2016 and growing at a rate of CAGR 13% during 2010-2016 period. It’s expected to exceed INR 1800 Billion, growing at CAGR 15% by 2022. Out of the total milk produced in India, over 50% is converted into traditional dairy products, which are native to India and are developed through culinary skills, wisdom and experience gained over several millennia. The application of processes like concentration, co-agulation, desiccation, fermentation and the use of certain other ingredients have resulted into an array of more than 150 different types of traditional Indian dairy products. The wide array of indigenous milk products are poised to take strong industrial footing in the years ahead. The development and application of mechanized manufacturing technologies and unit operations such as pasteurization, application of membrane filtration, bio-preservation, osmotic dehydration, advances in packaging technology handled through organized sector will significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of the Indian dairy industry. In addition, factors such as increased health awareness, increasing purchase potential and global exposure is going to increase the demand of milk and traditional milk products in India. Being at this juncture, this talk covers the challenges in the Indian dairy industry and suggest solutions that if implemented, present a golden opportunity for Indian as well as international players operating in this domain.